Excerpt from the Memoir of an Early LGBT Activist

Gay journalist and long-time activist Mark Segal has penned a memoir of his perspective on the early LGBT movement, titled And Then I Danced: Traveling the Road to LGBT Equality (Akashic Books, 2015). The Advocate has posted an excerpt from the work, recounting Segal’s narrative of the Stonewall riots and aftermath, activism with the Gay […]

Holiday Kohl’s Ad Features Same-Sex Couple

By Ashley R. Lierman A new ad for department store chain Kohl’s for the holidays includes, among other things, a toast to a same-sex couple by their family members. The commercial is one of an apparently increasing number of TV advertisements featuring families with same-sex couples recently, including the Campbell’s Soup ad including a same-sex […]

School bans “I Am Jazz” after pressure from hate group

By John Mack Freeman The Mount Horeb Area School District in Wisconsin has banned readings from I Am Jazz after they were threatened with a lawsuit by the Liberty Counsel. Via PinkNews: The Mount Horeb Area School District had sent a letter to parents of students at the school announcing its plans to read the […]

Queer Quest 15: Things to be thankful for

By Ashley R. Lierman (Image by hobvias sudoneighm via Flickr, used by permission of Creative Commons license.) Thanksgiving is nearly upon us (or was a month ago, for our Canadian friends)! Between that and the fact that I’ve been doing Queer Quest for a little over a year now, this month I’d like to look […]

School Is In: LGBTQ Picture Books

By Elizabeth Gartley November is Picture Book Month, an international literacy initiative which celebrates print picture books, and picture books are worth celebrating. Picture books are a powerful medium, and they are often the first form of literature that young children enjoy. Even as a middle school librarian who works with young teens, I keep […]

Movie Deadpool to be Pansexual

By Ashley R. Lierman In an interview with Collider this week, director Tim Miller and actor Ryan Reynolds of the upcoming Deadpool movie confirmed that Deadpool as represented in the movie will be pansexual. “Pansexual! I want that quoted. Pansexual Deadpool,” Miller said – and he has definitely gotten his wish, as the news has […]

Watch: First Look at Ellen Page’s New VICELAND Show, Gaycation

By Ashley R. Lierman The launch of VICE’s new network VICELAND will include a new show called Gaycation featuring Ellen Page, SheWired reports. The show will focus on Page and friends traveling to locations around the world, exploring LGBT culture and events. A short segment featuring clips from the show leads off a new 9-minute […]

Watch: Seth Meyers Takes On Defeat of Houston Equal Rights Ordinance

By Ashley R. Lierman In a recent segment on Late Night with Seth Meyers, the host explained the recent defeat of the broad-based Houston Equal Rights Ordinance, or HERO. The measure would have included legal protections from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity as well as race, gender, and other characteristics. In his […]

Gay author Marlon James wins Booker Prize

By John Mack Freeman Out gay Jamaican author Marlon James has won the 2015 Man Booker Prize for A Brief History fo Seven Killings. Via PinkNews: Michael Wood, chair of the judges, declared James’ novel as the “most exciting” book on the literary shortlist. The 680-page epic is described as “full of surprises”, “very violent” and “full […]

Captain Underpants removed from school book fair due to gay content

By John Mack Freeman The twelfth book in the popular Captain Underpants  series has been banned from one school’s book fair because of its GLBT content. Via WXYZ: “Captain Underpants and the Sensational Sag of Sir Stinks-A-Lot” is the 12th novel in author Dav Pilkey’s series. Pilkey recently announced that a main character in the book […]