Emerging Leader Spotlight: John Mack Freeman

man with red hair, glasses and a beard wearing a dark suit and scarf

The GLBTRT is proud to highlight some of our past Emerging Leaders (ELs). Including people who are members of and/or sponsored by our round table, these spotlights will let you get to know some of the incredible people in our field and learn about the work that they’ve accomplished through the EL Program. Donate today […]

Meet Anthony Wright de Hernandez! An RT Member Profile

By A. Faulkner What is your role in the GLBTRT? I’m a member of the web committee. I primarily do content editing for the GLBTRT web pages and help maintain the awards lists on LibraryThing. I’m not generally the person who is writing the content for the website but I do ensure that it matches […]

Emerging Leader Spotlight: Fobazi M. Ettarh

Woman: smiling, she is wearing glasses, a black blazer and a red shirt.

The GLBTRT is proud to highlight some of our past Emerging Leaders (ELs). Including people who are members of and/or sponsored by our round table, these spotlights will let you get to know some of the incredible people in our field and learn about the work that they’ve accomplished through the EL Program. Donate today […]

‘A Name You Should Know’ Apology

By A. Faulkner It has come to my attention that the ‘A Name You Should Know’ article series has potentially given the mistaken impression that the individuals featured were interviewed for these articles; they were not.  The ‘A Name You Should Know’ pieces were written solely by pulling information from a variety of articles in […]

Montclair Names New Director (GLBTRT’s 2016-17 Chair!)

By Thomas Maxheimer Peter D. Coyl, the 2016-17 GLBTRT Chair, has been named the new Director at the Montclair Public Library in NJ! Let’s all say, “Congratulations Peter!!!” More at: http://www.northjersey.com/story/news/essex/montclair/2017/02/02/montclair-library-names-new-director/97155060/  

Ann K. Symons Elected ALA Honorary Member

woman smiling. she has short hair, glasses and is wearing a purple jacket

By Emilia Marcyk Long-time LGBTQ advocate Ann K. Symons was named as an ALA Honorary Member at Midwinter 2017. The honor recognizes her contributions to intellectual freedom, access and service to the LGBTQ community. She will receive official recognition during the Opening General Session at ALA Annual in 2017. Symons was previously awarded the ALA […]

GLBTRT Hosts Social at Midwinter 2017

By Thomas Maxheimer During the recent ALA Midwinter 2017 conference, the GLBTRT hosted a social gathering at the Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta. Organizers estimate there were approximately 200 in attendance. During the festive event, the Adult Stonewall winners were announced, as well as the Over the Rainbow top ten. In addition, […]

GLBTRT Executive Board statement on the passing of Larry Romans

Via press release The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT) family, along with all of ALA, are saddened to learn of the death of Larry Romans, director at large of the GLBTRT on Thursday. His service to the Library community was vast; Larry served on the GLBTRT Executive Board for six years and had been a member of GLBTRT since 1984, […]

In memoriam: Poet and children’s author Francisco Alarcón

By John Mack Freeman Poet and children’s author Francisco Alarcón has passed away at the age of 61. Via Los Angeles Times: The L.A.-born Chicano poet and factory laborer who worked his way from adult school, East L.A. College and Cal State Long Beach to Stanford University died Friday of stomach cancer in his Davis home, […]

In Memoriam: Author Bryn Kelly

By John Mack Freeman Trans writer Bryn Kelly passed away in her Brooklyn apartment on January 23rd. Via Advocate.com: A writer of fiction, essays, columns, and book reviews, Kelly, an Ohio native, moved to New York City after a stint in Michigan. Kelly was, at one time, active within the Femme Collective, and she participated in Baltimore’s 2012 […]