LGBTQIA US News Roundup

By Tricia Boucher Arkansas’ Top Court Says Married Lesbian Moms Still Not Equal On Birth Certificates Arkansas’ Supreme Court ruled that the state can legally refuse to list two mothers on a child’s birth certificate. Kentucky judge who refused to hear gay adoption cases resigns Judge W. Mitchell Nance, who refused to hear adoption cases […]


LGBTQIA Rights Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer The Trump Administration Wants to Air its Homophobic Views Out Loud in the SCOTUS Anti-Gay Baker Case A bakery in Colorado refused to bake a cake for a gay couple’s wedding citing religious freedom.  The U.S. Supreme Court will hear the case in early December and the Trump administration has filed a […]


LGBTQIA Entertainment Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer I didn’t grow up with LGBT kids’ TV characters – but I found them elsewhere The Disney Channel has created its first LGBTQ themed storyline on Andi Mack. Hilarious Video Perfectly Calls Out Misogyny In The Gay Community Misogyny is not really funny, but exposing everyday insensitivities in a humorous way can […]


LGBTQIA World News Roundup

By Tricia Boucher Tajikistan Registers 367 Suspected Gays, Lesbians in Database With the help of police and prosecutors, Tajikistan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs has created a registry of suspected gay citizens in order to forcibly test them for HIV.  While homosexuality is not a crime in Tajikistan, this database uses the pretext of public health […]


LGBTQIA US News Roundup

By Tricia Boucher Georgia lawmaker suggests quarantining people with HIV State representative Betty Price (R), suggested quarantining HIV-positive persons during a committee meeting that, ironically, was set up to look at barriers to treatment for HIV-positive persons. Gay Agent Fired After Sexual Assault Allegations Gay men join women with their #MeToo stories of sexual assault […]


LGBTQIA Rights Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer There’s a rising global tide of crackdowns on LGBT communities So far, Tajikistan, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Tanzania, Indonesia and the Russian republic of Chechnya have all rounded up people suspected of being gay. Sessions deals another blow to the LGBT community Mississippi is the national leader in anti-LGBTQ laws stemming from religious objections […]


LGBTQIA Entertainment Roundup

By Thomas Maxheimer ‘Freak Show’ Is the Underdog Tale We’ve Been Waiting For The show follows the James St. James novel where Billy Bloom, played by Alex J. Lawther, moves from accepting Connecticut to the oppressive southern U.S.  The film will star Bette Midler, Larry Pine, Laverne Cox, Abigail Breslin, AnnaSophia Robb, Ian Nelson, Celia […]


LGBTQIA World News Roundup

By Tricia Boucher Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights around the world See what LGBT rights exist around the world! Perth’s Anglican church offers ‘heartfelt apology’ to LGBT community While the diocese of Sydney has been criticized for donating one million dollars to support the “no” vote against same-sex marriage in Australia, the Perth diocese […]


Meet Lorelei Rutledge! An RT Member Profile

Lorelei Rutledge, Faculty Services Librarian, University of Utah Marriott Library               By A. Faulkner What is your role in the GLBTRT? General member What does the GLBTRT mean to you? A place to discuss professional issues related to LGBTQ people Are you involved in ALA in other ways? Yes! I just wrapped up as an Emerging […]


LGBTQIA US News Roundup

By Tricia Boucher ‘Hazards of Homosexuality’ Flier Distributed at Values Voter Summit MassResistance, an anti-LGBT group, distributed a pamphlet at the Values Voter Summit that discussed the “hazards of homosexuality”.  The flier was from a book endorsed by Dr. Paul Church, a urologist who was dismissed from his position at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital for […]
